Here's Why I SHOWED UP LATE On Purpose

2 MINUTES LATE:  “Are you almost here?”

6 MINUTES LATE:  “Everyone is here! Where are you?”

13 MINUTES LATE:  “Did you forget about the meeting?”

20 MINUTES LATE:  “Is everything okay, Remi?”

This was a training exercise that our team never forgot…

One of the things that I’m known for is my punctuality. It’s not uncommon for clients to tell me “My gosh, when you say 1:30pm you really mean 1:30pm!”

TIME is a commodity I put a high value on both for others and myself.

So when I told my team “today’s meeting is particularly important so please make sure to be here by 3pm and don’t be late”NO ONE was late…  except for me!

You see, back in the summer of 2009 we had started to meet every Monday afternoons at 3:30pm for some coaching, bonding & to basically give everyone a chance to voice their concern or offer solutions to existing problems...

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How To KEEP UP With The HIGH PACE OF LIFE Without Draining Yourself?

Does it feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to complete your TO-DO LIST?

Do you feel overwhelmed, overworked and exhausted most of the time?

Does the idea of doing nothing make you feel unproductive?

Perhaps it's time to watch this video and bring your attention to the "next gear"...


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From Dark To FULL of COLOR

It's been a little over 3 months since I released a new video.

The reason for this break was because I had a few BIG PROJECTS on the go and I wanted to make sure not to spread myself too thin. One of those projects involve me now having to wear a ring :)

So yesterday afternoon, I got ready to shoot some new videos but something changed a few minutes after I sat down with this cup of Tea...

The result?

A video that is perhaps a bit different than what you may be used to seeing from me... but I believe strongly that it has the potential of affecting you (in a positive way) so much more than anything I could ever teach you about Painting or Color...


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-Remi & Gino