Well, after being away for over 5 years... I"M BACK!
To be honest, for the longest time, I thought that maybe I was done with shooting painting and color videos.
But then, something really big happened recently that I absolutely wanted to share with all of you.
Choosing colors with Grey Undertones will typically give you the following 2 benefits:
But there's another KEY BENEFIT you get for choosing colors with some sort of Grey Undertone which is what I discuss in this week's Tips & Tricks Video.
Has this ever happened to you?
You picked a color to paint your walls... BUT once it was all painted, it looked different than you expected?
If so, you're certainly not alone.
If fact, this is one of the most frustrating (and painful) part of the repainting process.
Which is why we have taken it upon ourselves to dig deep to understand what causes this... and better yet, how to avoid this situation for our clients.
In this video, I'll share with you the 3 STEPS we take with our clients to make sure that the COLOR they have in their mind, is the COLOR that will appear on their walls once it's all said and done.
There's a vicious cycle happening these days in the Painting Industry that I want to address before it gets out of hands.
Here's the thing...
Paint is not a simple product... far from that.
In fact, some products require years of research and development from highly advanced chemists (often very large teams of chemists) to make it possible for Paint to perform at high levels while being compliant with today's strict environmental regulations.
And depending on the clients needs... and who is going to be applying the paint (a "DIY" or Professional Painter as an example), the "right" paint for the project might be two completely different products.
So where am I going with this?
Well this is such a touchy subject to tackle since "fixing" this vicious cycle will require all parties involved to work together.
Be sure to watch this weeks video in full for a better understanding of the situation and how I propose we can start changing things around.
There's a lot of items that will typically get added on the TO-DO LIST when buying a new house.
And if PAINTING finds itself on that list, here are 3 KEY BENEFITS you'll experience by making sure to check it off the list the moment you buy a new house.
2 MINUTES LATE: “Are you almost here?”
6 MINUTES LATE: “Everyone is here! Where are you?”
13 MINUTES LATE: “Did you forget about the meeting?”
20 MINUTES LATE: “Is everything okay, Remi?”
This was a training exercise that our team never forgot…
One of the things that I’m known for is my punctuality. It’s not uncommon for clients to tell me “My gosh, when you say 1:30pm you really mean 1:30pm!”
TIME is a commodity I put a high value on both for others and myself.
So when I told my team “today’s meeting is particularly important so please make sure to be here by 3pm and don’t be late”… NO ONE was late… except for me!
You see, back in the summer of 2009 we had started to meet every Monday afternoons at 3:30pm for some coaching, bonding & to basically give everyone a chance to voice their concern or offer solutions to existing problems...
Be sure to watch this week's Tips & Tricks video where we'll first show you how this is done using only a paint brush... and then discuss the theory of how this works so you can have a better understanding of your paint brush and how to get the most out of it.
Many people wonder how you could use a roller to paint a colonial door. The concern being the grooves in the door and the kind of finish a roller would create on such a surface.
In this week's video, we'll show you how we're able to paint a door leaving only a roller finish (no brush stokes).
Why is GREY sooooo popular these days?
Why do we get tired of certain colors after a while?
What's the secret to combining colors that work well together?
These questions, and many more, are answered in this week's video...
Click on the links below to watch the first two videos in this 3 Part Series
PART 1: What Exactly Is Color?
Part 2: Here's How We Perceive & Interpret Color Frequencies
Remember this famous illusion?
Some people were seeing the dress WHITE & GOLD... while others were seeing it BLUE & BROWN.
That's a pretty BIG difference, wouldn't you agree?
Well turns out, the same thing that made this illusion possible is also creating illusions in your life... every... single... day.
Whether you're looking at colors on a wall or in your surroundings... OR... interpreting situations & events in your life.
To watch the first video in this series, CLICK HERE.
-Remi & Gino